Learn and Act: Sustainable Planning and Zoning in Stark County

Throughout Northeast Ohio, different organizations are integrating sustainability into their approaches to planning, operations and decision-making. As part of a recent Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant, Stark County Regional Planning Commission (SCRPC) created the Sustainable Planning and Zoning Handbook.  Created in 2011, SCRPC developed a tool that provides principles, examples and approaches to planning and zoning.

Transportation Page, Sustainable Planning and Zoning Handbook

SCRPC describes the handbook as…

The purpose of this handbook is to provide local communities with guiding principles to assist them in becoming more sustainable. Each section will briefly cover different steps that communities can take to achieve this goal. Examples and/or resources of what other communities are doing will also be provided in each section. The appendix of this document contains sustainability-designed, model zoning ordinances that can be tailored to conform to individual zoning resolutions. Please note that not every principle in this handbook may apply to every community. Do keep in mind, however, that sustainable planning means planning for the future, not just the present; just because an item may not apply today doesn’t mean that it might not be applicable at a later date.

Visit the Stark County Regional Planning Commission website to learn more.

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