Development Strategies


The Development Strategies bring the Vision down to the neighborhood scale. They provide guidance for creating and maintaining quality places. The local and incremental steps that they describe are a key aspect of the overall Vision, and like the Recommendations, they are tailored to address the unique needs of the many different communities found in our region.

These Strategies are not intended to present a rigid planning formula or to prescribe the future of a community—they are meant, instead, to illustrate the tremendous transformative potential of thoughtful planning, design, and development. This section references many of the community categories presented throughout Vibrant NEO 2040: A Vision and Framework for Our Future.

The section includes the six place types, as well as the smaller development types that made up the building blocks of the scenarios. To make the best use of the Strategies, readers should look for the development types found in their communities or that their communities are considering building. The Strategies associated with those types will offer guidelines and best practices for getting the most out of their investments and for creating the highest quality outcomes.

To access the Development Strategies click here:  Vibrant NEO 2040 Development Strategies