18 Jan: Alternatives Begin Fueling Transit in Northeast Ohio

A number of Northeast Ohio Transit Agencies have begun to look at alternative ways to fuel public transportation.  Last year, Stark Area RTA unveiled their new Clean Natural Gas system used to fuel a number of new buses at SARTA. CNG is the Cleaner, Greener, Domestic and more Affordable option. Cleaner: Reduces health-harming air pollutants – 95% less particulate matter, carbon monoxide emissions and 80% less nitrogen oxide emissions.  (U.S. Department of Energy National Renewable Energy Labratory). Greener: Lowers greenhouse gas emissions by 26-29% in cars and light trucks and 23% in medium to heavy-duty vehicles. Domestic: 98% of natural gas is produced in North America; reducing our dependence on foreign oil. Affordable: Costs 25-40% less than diesel fuel (1/3 of the cost of traditional gasoline), has maintenance costs equal to or less than gasoline or diesel vehiles. SARTA will see a savings of over $300,000 per year by making the switch.    This week, the…