The Technical Appendix of the final report includes a detailed look at the process, data sources, and calculation methods.
To create and analyze the scenarios, the project team used Envision Tomorrow, an industry-standard, open source software package. The data was gathered almost entirely from free, publically available sources. Assumptions and methods were reviewed by local experts to ensure that they were rooted in the realities of Northeast Ohio.
The scenario modeling process used a Fiscal Impact Tool to quantify the financial costs and revenues from new development. Our Fiscal Impact Tool is customized from the existing Federal Reserve Bank Fiscal Impact Tool. It provides a county-level analysis that aggregates all sub-county jurisdictions. It allows for a standardized method for conducting planning-based fiscal assessments.
You can download (pdf documents) the full technical appendix or individual chapters below.
Vibrant NEO Final Report_TECHNICAL APPENDIX1_scenario-modeling-process
Vibrant NEO Final Report_TECHNICAL APPENDIX2_fiscal-impact-tool
Vibrant NEO Final Report_TECHNICAL APPENDIX3_scenario-model-outputs