On February 25, the NEOSCC Board voted unanimously to approve and endorse the Vibrant NEO 2040 Vision, Framework and Action Products. We are sharing an “Initiative A Day” so you can gain a better understanding of the vision and framework! If you would like to read all of the Initiatives, you can download them here: Recommendation and Initiatives. You can access a pdf of the entire vision chapter here. The vision chapter contains all 41 initiatives, development strategies, indicators, and matrices that identify how the recommendations, initiatives and indicators all relate. Show your support for Vibrant NEO 2040 by adding your name to our Champions of Vibrant NEO 2040 list here. Initiative 8.1: Support the expansion of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA’s), farmer cooperatives, farm-to-school programs, and other existing mechanisms that support sustainable agriculture and enhance food access. WHAT THIS MEANS. The entrepreneurial ecosystem around the local foods movement is expanding steadily. It includes…
Vibrant NEO 2040
On February 25, the NEOSCC Board voted unanimously to approve and endorse the Vibrant NEO 2040 Vision, Framework and Action Products. We are sharing an “Initiative A Day” so you can gain a better understanding of the vision and framework! If you would like to read all of the Initiatives, you can download them here: Recommendation and Initiatives. You can access a pdf of the entire vision chapter here. The vision chapter contains all 41 initiatives, development strategies, indicators, and matrices that identify how the recommendations, initiatives and indicators all relate. Show your support for Vibrant NEO 2040 by adding your name to our Champions of Vibrant NEO 2040 list here. Initiative 7.6: Develop and maintain a natural resources inventory of the region. WHAT THIS MEANS. Natural Resource Inventories (NRIs) have emerged in recent years as best practice in environmental management. A NRI is an objective index of natural features that often spans…
On February 25, the NEOSCC Board voted unanimously to approve and endorse the Vibrant NEO 2040 Vision, Framework and Action Products. We are sharing an “Initiative A Day” so you can gain a better understanding of the vision and framework! If you would like to read all of the Initiatives, you can download them here: Recommendation and Initiatives. You can access a pdf of the entire vision chapter here. The vision chapter contains all 41 initiatives, development strategies, indicators, and matrices that identify how the recommendations, initiatives and indicators all relate. Show your support for Vibrant NEO 2040 by adding your name to our Champions of Vibrant NEO 2040 list here. Initiative 7.5: Expand collaboration between existing natural resource districts and consider the creation of new districts where appropriate. WHAT THIS MEANS. Ohio, like many states, mandates a county-based network of soil and water conservation districts to comply with federal requirements. These districts…
On February 25, the NEOSCC Board voted unanimously to approve and endorse the Vibrant NEO 2040 Vision, Framework and Action Products. We are sharing an “Initiative A Day” so you can gain a better understanding of the vision and framework! If you would like to read all of the Initiatives, you can download them here: Recommendation and Initiatives. You can access a pdf of the entire vision chapter here. The vision chapter contains all 41 initiatives, development strategies, indicators, and matrices that identify how the recommendations, initiatives and indicators all relate. Show your support for Vibrant NEO 2040 by adding your name to our Champions of Vibrant NEO 2040 list here. INITIATIVE 7.4: STRENGTHEN AND EXPAND WATERSHED PARTNERSHIPS THAT FOSTER COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION BETWEEN UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM COMMUNITIES ACROSS ALL NORTHEAST OHIO WATERSHED GEOGRAPHIES. WHAT THIS MEANS. Watershed partnerships are collaborations of municipal jurisdictions, parks authorities, soil and water districts, and, occasionally, community…
On February 25, the NEOSCC Board voted unanimously to approve and endorse the Vibrant NEO 2040 Vision, Framework and Action Products. We are sharing an “Initiative A Day” so you can gain a better understanding of the vision and framework! If you would like to read all of the Initiatives, you can download them here: Recommendation and Initiatives. You can access a pdf of the entire vision chapter here. The vision chapter contains all 41 initiatives, development strategies, indicators, and matrices that identify how the recommendations, initiatives and indicators all relate. Show your support for Vibrant NEO 2040 by adding your name to our Champions of Vibrant NEO 2040 list here. INITIATIVE 7.3: IMPROVE REGIONAL QUALITY OF LIFE AND HEALTH BY FOCUSING ON THE INTERFACE BETWEEN NATURAL AND HUMAN SYSTEMS IN THE AREAS OF FLOOD MITIGATION, STORMWATER RUN-OFF, AND CLEAN BEACHES AND THE WATER QUALITY OF OUR LAKES, RIVERS, AND STREAMS. WHAT…
On February 25, the NEOSCC Board voted unanimously to approve and endorse the Vibrant NEO 2040 Vision, Framework and Action Products. We are sharing an “Initiative A Day” so you can gain a better understanding of the vision and framework! If you would like to read all of the Initiatives, you can download them here: Recommendation and Initiatives. You can access a pdf of the entire vision chapter here. The vision chapter contains all 41 initiatives, development strategies, indicators, and matrices that identify how the recommendations, initiatives and indicators all relate. Show your support for Vibrant NEO 2040 by adding your name to our Champions of Vibrant NEO 2040 list here. INITIATIVE 7.2: SUPPORT AND EXPAND GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE OPTIONS FOR FLOOD CONTROL AND GENERAL WATER MANAGEMENT, BOTH AT THE LOCAL LEVEL WITH PROJECTS LIKE GREEN ALLEYS AND BIOSWALES, AND AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL WITH A NETWORK OF LARGE, UPSTREAM WATER RETENTION AREAS. …
On February 25, the NEOSCC Board voted unanimously to approve and endorse the Vibrant NEO 2040 Vision, Framework and Action Products. We are sharing an “Initiative A Day” so you can gain a better understanding of the vision and framework! If you would like to read all of the Initiatives, you can download them here: Recommendation and Initiatives. You can access a pdf of the entire vision chapter here. The vision chapter contains all 41 initiatives, development strategies, indicators, and matrices that identify how the recommendations, initiatives and indicators all relate. Show your support for Vibrant NEO 2040 by adding your name to our Champions of Vibrant NEO 2040 list here. INITIATIVE 7.1: EXPAND AND CONNECT THE EXISTING NETWORK OF PARKS, TRAILS, RIVERS, LAKES, AND NATURAL AREAS THROUGH CONTINUED PARTNERSHIPS WITH PRIVATE LAND OWNERS, LAND CONSERVANCIES, LAND TRUSTS, COMMUNITY MEMBERS, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. WHAT THIS MEANS. Northeast Ohio has an impressive legacy of…
On February 25, the NEOSCC Board voted unanimously to approve and endorse the Vibrant NEO 2040 Vision, Framework and Action Products. We are sharing an “Initiative A Day” so you can gain a better understanding of the vision and framework! If you would like to read all of the Initiatives, you can download them here: Recommendation and Initiatives. You can access a pdf of the entire vision chapter here. The vision chapter contains all 41 initiatives, development strategies, indicators, and matrices that identify how the recommendations, initiatives and indicators all relate. Show your support for Vibrant NEO 2040 by adding your name to our Champions of Vibrant NEO 2040 list here! INITIATIVE 6.4: COLLABORATE WITH SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES TO FURTHER DEVELOP SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL, ENCOURAGING WALKING AND BIKING, AND SITE NEW SCHOOLS IN WALKABLE LOCATIONS. WHAT THIS MEANS. This initiative takes advantage of potential federal funding for transportation enhancement projects…
On February 25, the NEOSCC Board will be voting on the the Vibrant NEO 2040 Vision, Framework and Action Products. Everyday over the next 5 weeks, we will be sharing an “Initiative A Day” so you can gain a better understanding of the vision and framework! If you would like to read all of the Initiatives, you can download them here: Recommendation and Initiatives. You can access a pdf of the entire vision chapter here. The vision chapter contains all 41 initiatives, development strategies, indicators, and matrices that identify how the recommendations, initiatives and indicators all relate. Show your support for Vibrant NEO 2040 by adding your name to our Champions of Vibrant NEO 2040 list here! Initiative 6.3: Promote “Complete Streets” through regional policy and the identification of local champions. WHAT THIS MEANS: “Complete Streets” refers to the practice of building streets that embrace a full range of mobilities – walking, cycling,…
On February 25, the NEOSCC Board will be voting on the the Vibrant NEO 2040 Vision, Framework and Action Products. Everyday over the next 5 weeks, we will be sharing an “Initiative A Day” so you can gain a better understanding of the vision and framework! If you would like to read all of the Initiatives, you can download them here: Recommendation and Initiatives. You can access a pdf of the entire vision chapter here. The vision chapter contains all 41 initiatives, development strategies, indicators, and matrices that identify how the recommendations, initiatives and indicators all relate. Show your support for Vibrant NEO 2040 by adding your name to our Champions of Vibrant NEO 2040 list here! Initiative 6.2: Repair existing sidewalks and crosswalks and add new ones as needed wherever a fixed-route bus service is in operation. WHAT THIS MEANS: It is a truism to state that walkability and walking are…