You are invited to participate in a discussion titled “Transportation as a Civil Rights Issue.” The keynote speaker for the discussion will be Samuel Gresham Jr., former head of the Columbus Urban League and the Ohio Commission on African American Males. Mr. Gresham Jr. is current chair of Common Cause Ohio. The discussion will take place at CSU’s Levin College of Urban Affairs (1717 Euclid Ave.) at 4pm on June 13th. For more information visit Bike Cleveland site.
The Youngstown State University Sustainable Energy Forum will be held on June 3-4, 2013 in Kilcawley Center on the YSU Campus. The fifth annual Forum will host more than 200 academicians, energy industry leaders, government officials, and entrepreneurs. The Forum focus is on technology that is imminently ready for commercialization, especially those technologies which will have a near-term positive impact on commercial, industrial and residential energy savings. The 2013 YSU Sustainable Energy Forum will place a particular focus on: Sustainable and clean energy technologies that are being successfully implemented within the region. Natural Gas and Water resources Additive Manufacturing and the impact on energy and energy technology. A key objective of the YSU Sustainable Energy Forum is collaboration building amongst attendees. In past years, entrepreneurs have teamed up with students/faculty to successfully pursue sponsored research funding. Researchers have also engaged large energy companies for insights and opportunities. And all attendees gain a clearer…