In April, the Eastgate Regional Council of Governments (a NEOSCC Board Member) released its 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The MTP is a long range planning document that brings together local governments to identify transportation needs and coordinate transportation projects and policies over the next two decades. Eastgate coordinates the development of the MTP with communities throughout the planning area, and with other local, state and federal agencies. The MTP keeps Mahoning and Trumbull Counties eligible to receive federal transportation funding to improve, maintain, and operate highways, public transit, bikeways, sidewalks, and related facilities. Transportation projects must be included in the MTP to be eligible to receive federal funding within the Eastgate planning area. . You can access the entire plan here.
CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW TO REGISTER: This first round of VibrantNEO public workshops revolves around a scenario called “Business‐As‐Usual.” It outlines what Northeast Ohio’s future will look like if we keep doing what we are currently doing. We need your help to define what we value and what’s most important to this region as we start to create a vision for Northeast Ohio’s future. We Can Only Answer These Questions Together! Pick a date and location that’s most convenient for you and Join Us! All events begin with an open house and registration from 5:30 – 6:30 PM. Workshops take place from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW TO REGISTER CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW TO REGISTER Tues., April 30: Lorain, Medina, and western Cuyahoga counties The Oberlin Inn 7 N Main St Oberlin OH 44074 Register: Tues., April 30: Mahoning, Trumbell and Ashtabula counties John…
Eastgate Council of Regional Governments, a NEOSCC Board Member, and the Western Reserve Independent Living Center (WRILC) are working together to help improve the delivery of transportation services and options for older adults, and persons with disabilities. The WRILC is a non-profit community based non-residential center dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities. The two surveys below will help with the four-county coordinated transportation network. Download the surveys for a chance to win a drawing that is sponsored by the WRILC. To take the transportation provider survey, please click here. To take the transportation services survey, please click here. Interested in more information on Eastgate, access their newsletter here. What Can I do Today? Learn: Discover our Digi-NEO Gallery of Facts about NEO Act: Become a member of the Conditions and Trends Platform and let us know what you think about our findings Act: Attend our Board Meeting in Summit County